小型Boot Loader設計概念
筆者所撰寫的小型Boot Loader於BIOS開機成功後,會被載入至實體記憶體位址0x7C00並跳至此位址執行boot loader的程式碼,此boot loader程式碼會將作業系統程式碼 (僅三個磁區),載入實體記憶體位址0x8000並跳至此位址執行作業系統的程式碼,然而此作業系統別無功能,僅會印出簡單的訊息。如此便能模擬一般boot loader載入作業系統的程序。
圖一為筆者所編譯出來的plain binary file,此程式碼僅有四個磁區 (共2048 bytes),0x0-0x1ff為boot loader磁區,0x200-0x7ff為作業系統的三個磁區,雖然,真正的作業系統程式碼在0x200-0x3ff,其它兩個磁區僅填入字元'B'與'C',但筆者還是把這三個磁區稱為作業系統程式碼,因為boot loader會將這三個磁區載入實體記憶體位址0x8000。
圖一、Boot + OS Binary Image Layout圖二為boot loader將作業系統載入實體記憶體位址示意圖,至於為什麼會選擇0x8000開始存放作業系統程式碼,其原因是x86系統規範位址0x7E00-0x7FFFF為conventional memory,因此筆者就挑0x8000來存放程式碼。下圖為Boot Loader程式碼,其運作原理在此稍作描述。首先,boot_loader透過.byte、.word、.long跟.ascii等指令將此磁區描述為一個FAT12檔案系統。接著,利用中斷服務編號0x13將作業系統的三個磁區讀入0x8000實體記憶體位址。如果讀取失敗的話,則利用中斷服務編號0x010印出錯誤訊息。特別要提出的是,程式碼使用兩次遠程跳躍 (Far Dump),其原型ljmp code_segment_address, relative_address,例如: ljmp $BOOT_SEG, $start_prog代表code segment設定為0x07C0加上start_prog標籤的位址,即0x7C00+start_prog位址,此為Intel x86 CPU memory segmentation機制。透過此設定,boot loader程式碼便能正確地在0x7C00位址執行。另一個ljmp,ljmp $OS_SEG, $OS_OFFSET,因為boot loader將作業系統程式碼放在0x8000實體記憶體位址,因此code segment必須設為0x0800,以便讓作業系統程式碼可以正確地執行。
/* boot_loader.S
* Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Huang (adrianhuang0701@gmail.com)
* This code is intended to simulate a simplified boot loader. This boot
* loader loads 3 sectors into the physical memory and jumps the entry
* point of OS.
BOOT_SEG = 0x07C0 /* starting code segment (CS) of boot loader */
OS_SEG = 0x0800 /* code segment address of OS entry point */
OS_OFFSET = 0x0000 /* the offset address of OS entry point */
.section .text
.global _start
# FAT12 file system format
ljmp $BOOT_SEG, $start_prog # jmp instruction
.byte 0x90
.ascii "ADRIAN " # OEM name (8 bytes)
.word 512 # Bytes per sector
.byte 1 # Sector per cluster
.word 1 # Reserved sector count: should be 1 for FAT12
.byte 2 # Number of file allocation tables.
.word 224 # Maximum number of root directory entries.
.word 2880 # Total sectors
.byte 0xf0 # Media descriptor
.word 9 # Sectors per File Allocation Table
.word 18 # Sectors per track
.word 2 # Number of heads
.long 0 # Count of hidden sectors
.long 2880 # Total sectors: 18 (sectors per track) * 2 (heads) * 80 (sectors) = 2880
.byte 0 # Physical driver number
.byte 0 # Reserved
.byte 0x29 # Extended boot signature
.long 0x12345678 # Serial Number
.ascii "HELLO-OS " # Volume Label
.ascii "FAT12 " # FAT file system type
.fill 18, 1, 0 # fill 18 characters with zero
# initialize the register with cs register
movw %cs, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss
xorw %sp, %sp
cld # clear direction flag
sti # set interrupt flag
# The following code is loaded three sectors (2-4th sectors from boot.bin)
# into the physical memory 0x8000-0x85FF.
movw $OS_SEG, %ax
mov %ax, %es # ES:BX-> destination buffer address pointer
movb $2, %cl # sector
movw $0, %bx
movb $0x02, %ah # Read sectors from drive
movb $0x1, %al # Sectors to read count
movb $0x0, %ch # track
movb $0x0, %dh # head
movb $0, %dl # drive
int $0x13 # trigger a interrupt 0x13 service
jc fail # the clear flag is set if the operation is failed
mov %es, %ax
addw $0x20, %ax # move to the next sector
movw %ax, %es # move to the next sector
incb %cl
cmpb $3, %cl # has finished reading 3 sectors?
jbe cont # continue to read the sector
jmp os_entry # jump to OS entry point
movw $err_msg, %si
andb %al, %al
jz end
movb $0x0e, %ah
int $0x10
jmp fail_loop
ljmp $OS_SEG, $OS_OFFSET # jump to os context
.ascii "Reading sectors operation is failed!"
.byte 0
.org 0x1FE, 0x41 # fill the rest of characters with zero until the 254th character
# Boot sector signature
.byte 0x55
.byte 0xaa
此段程式碼僅將訊息輸出至螢幕上,所以不再贅述。編譯程式碼/* os.S
** Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Huang (adrianhuang0701@gmail.com)** This code is OS context.**/.code16.section .text.global mainmain:movw %cs, %axmovw %ax, %dsmovw %ax, %esmovw %ax, %ssxorw %sp, %spcld # clear direction flagsti # set interrupt flagmovw $os_msg, %siload_msg:lodsbandb %al, %aljz os_finmovb $0x0e, %ahint $0x10jmp load_msgos_fin:hltjmp os_finos_msg:.ascii "Welcome to OS context!".byte 0.org 0x200, 0x41 # fill characters with 'A'. Sector 1.org 0x400, 0x42 # fill characters with 'B'. Sector 2.org 0x600, 0x43 # fill characters with 'C'. Sector 3
CC=gccall: boot_loader.binboot_loader.bin: boot_loader.o os.o${LD} -Ttext=0x0 -s $< -o $@ --oformat binary${LD} -Ttext=0x0 -s os.o -o os.bin --oformat binarycat os.bin >> $@boot_loader.o:${CC} -c boot_loader.Sos.o:${CC} -c os.Sclean:rm -f boot_loader.o boot_loader.bin os.o
adrian@adrian-desktop:~/working/build_os/my_ex/boot_loader$ make clean all
rm -f boot_loader.o boot_loader.bin os.ogcc -c boot_loader.Sgcc -c os.Sld -Ttext=0x0 -s boot_loader.o -o boot_loader.bin --oformat binaryld -Ttext=0x0 -s os.o -o os.bin --oformat binaryld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000000000cat os.bin >> boot_loader.binadrian@adrian-desktop:~/working/build_os/my_ex/boot_loader$
為了驗證作業系統的程式碼正確地載入實體記憶體位址0x8000,筆者利用xxd工具將boot_loader.bin dump出來,下圖為其結果。紅色框框為作業系統程式碼的十六進制碼。
2. Jserv's Blog
3. X86 開機流程小記
5. linux-source-2.6.31
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